Many things happened this week in Thaiyanmar.
The government enacted an emergency decree allowing the Military to come out onto the streets with guns blazing. We only shot live rounds into the air they said, but we shot blanks at the protesters to protect ourselves. What!!!!
That makes no sense to even irrational or deranged people. No one was killed they say but eye witnesses declared that they saw bodies being loaded into trucks. One distraught lady on Al Jazeera TV said they shot and killed her husband and took away his body she has not seen him since. Only now is the extent coming out. Most of those in hospital have gunshot wounds, obviously inflicted by those blank rounds. When the bodies started to wash up on the banks of the river, they were officially "robbery victims" with arms tied behind their back and bludgeoned, from reports we have, in the back of the head.
The oppression does not stop there. DTV was taken off the air for national security but more likely so they couldn't broadcast what was going on live. Then there are the pro red community stations the shut down upcountry and the number of websites they have blocked count in the hundreds.
Abhisit must realize by now that you cannot treat as worthless and subvert Thailand's rural poor and ever come out ahead, unless of course you take away their voting rights and make them second classcitizens again.
The reds may not have won the battle of Black and Bloody Sonkran but they will win the war. Eventually the pu yai and the elites will have to go to their knees because the rural poor have been empowered, for better or worse, and they are not going to give up quickly or easily. For now we have to live in
Thaiyanmar but eventually the dream of a true Thai Democracy will become a reality. If not in mine maybe in my son's lifetime.