Friday, April 23, 2010

Comment on Hate Email with info for Stupid Emailers

Have you ever checked your email and got one of these?
"You\'re a whining piece of shit. People know where you live and if you keep stoking the flames of what is basically a international corporate fascist take over of this kingdom, you\'ll pay a personal price. ."
It's a bit rewarding, a badge, a confirmation that what you say has hit a nerve.  You are reassured that for every one of these type nut cases there are tens, or hundreds or maybe even thousands that may have read whatever you had written to set off this individual.  All the rest of the readers, all those people, the one's with the capacity to think and digest, to chew on your sometimes feeble inadequate words, to accept or reject your work, they are the one's that matter.
You don't have to please everyone, sometimes it's better that you do not.  When you only write the same drivel that everyone wants to hear it does not move you or them ahead it just maintains the status quo. 
I must have really hit a nerve with this intellectually sparse person for he does not have the capacity to think and bend in the wind of thought like bamboo does.   Like thinkers do.  He is rigid in his thought never varying from his safe ideas, never accepting that others may not agree, that others may have a point even if he does not agree with it.  He uses intimidation to try and quell the thoughts of those he does not either have the capacity to argue his point with or the mental capacity to chew on the information.  He only sees hate for what he feels is a threat to him, or his universe, or his comfort zone.
To you my friend I can only say that you need to open your mind to other ideas to stop trying to quell thought you don't agree with and to learn a bit more about computers.
So now a Computer lesson for our friend.
Every email, even that one you sent from the form on our website is tagged just as our server log tags every hit, every IP, every page visited, the time, the date, the computer ID code of your unit.  Everything.  You may have thought you pulled a fast one hiding behind what you thought was the screen of anonymity, but guess what?  This is the computer age and just in case you didn't know it's illegal to make threats using the internet or a computer.  Especially in the country where your email originated.  Next time you decide to send an email then just send it, put your name on it, stand behind it, be a man, otherwise you are just a sniveling coward that is afraid to stand and be counted.
Info has been X'd out for Legal Privacy reasons.
X-AntiAbuse: This header was added to track abuse, please include it with any abuse report

X-AntiAbuse: Primary Hostname - XXXXXXXXXX

X-AntiAbuse: Original Domain - XXXXXXX>XXX

X-AntiAbuse: Originator/Caller UID/GID - [946 32003] / [47 12]

X-AntiAbuse: Sender Address Domain - XXX.XXXXXXX.XXX
You see my friend with this info not only I but also the Police and your ISP know where you live

Now I am also a bit confused.  I'm not 100% sure if he is for or against an international corporate fascist take over of the Kingdom.

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posted by Ricefield radio @ 10:59 PM   0 Comments


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