Sunday, February 7, 2010

Vancouver Weather, Oh Boy!!!!!

There is an old adage on the BC coast, "If you don't like the weather, just wait 10 minutes".  Around town the Japanese Cherry are starting to bloom, the crocus are up and there is but a slight hint of snow on the mountains.  All this months early.  The Olympic committee must be in a panic because today it was shirt sleeve weather around 14C with bright sun.  Not exactly Winter Olympic weather.
The long range forecast is for Whistler to be down to -1C by the start of the games and then drop to -5C. but for Cypress it's not good news.  It was 5C on the ski hill today (Sunday in Thailand) at 6pm and the forecast is looking great, if you want to go to the beach to get a tan.   Last week when we came into Vancouver all you saw was big brown patches where the snow would normally be a couple of meters deep at this time of the year.

But in typical style, often though to be of American origin - not Canadian, the city has thrown vast amounts of cash at the ski hill hoping to not be an international embarrassment.  They have used helicopters to fly in thousands of  hay bales to make the half Pipe course and then with still no snow in the offing and no sign of any cold weather so they could use artificial snow making equipment they have resorted to trucking snow in from Manning Park a couple of hundred kilometers away.

On Monday (Tuesday in Thailand) we will head into Vancouver, known locally as the "Big Smoke" to check things out a bit more.   Six days to go and I'm sure glad the buck doesn't stop at my desk.

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posted by Ricefield radio @ 10:28 AM   0 Comments


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